Found a full dock in the closet of Junque's in rough shape but I'll check and see if it works. It may be a while...doing 50+ hours a week at the billpayer while juggling stuff for a start up firearms business and trying to get our poop in a group to start doing some subgun matches every other weekend. It'll be there faster if I hit the Powerball...but it's a freebie either way for the cost of shipping. The Duo 2300c may even be operational...haven't used it in ages (got a cheap 5300cs that replaced it, found that too)...not even sure of the specs on it other than it's hellaciously faster than the Duos you already have. I need to dig around in the Junque more often...there's some cool shit in here!
There's a capacitor in the power supply that has a tendency to die, and then all the dock will do is click.
I used to have destructions on how to fix the capacitor.
I'll see if I can't dig those up for you.
Also, I'll keep an eye out for a dock for you. The minidocks are nicer, in my opinion. Rarer then hen's teeth, though...
Tam -
Drop me an email. Somewhere in this junk pile I believe I still have a Mini Dock; yours if you want it.
-=[ Grant ]=-
Found a full dock in the closet of Junque's in rough shape but I'll check and see if it works. It may be a while...doing 50+ hours a week at the billpayer while juggling stuff for a start up firearms business and trying to get our poop in a group to start doing some subgun matches every other weekend. It'll be there faster if I hit the Powerball...but it's a freebie either way for the cost of shipping. The Duo 2300c may even be operational...haven't used it in ages (got a cheap 5300cs that replaced it, found that too)...not even sure of the specs on it other than it's hellaciously faster than the Duos you already have. I need to dig around in the Junque more often...there's some cool shit in here!
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